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Posted by
Gardening for Fun
7:50 AM
Today, I thought I would show everyone what’s underneath my fluorescent lights. I have a variety of flower and vegetables seedlings, houseplants, and more.
My coleus: I love the color variegation on these:
My coleus: I love the color variegation on these. (click to enlarge)
Coleus with flower buds. It’s pretty but I pinched it off to keep my coleus living. (click to enlarge)
I have some sweet and Thai basil. I have some in some self-watering pots but I thought I would grow some more in individual pots so I can grow them anywhere in the garden and not just in a pot.
Basil Seedlings (click to enlarge)
I have beans growing and sprouting! Yippee.
Top Crop Beans 12 Days (click to enlarge)
Endive seedlings (click to enlarge)
Under my lights, I have lots of African Violets:
A pretty pink African Violet (click to enlarge)
Older baby African violets (click to enlarge)
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
12:12 PM
Labels: African Violet, Basil, Beans, Endive, Feedblitz, Gardening, Houseplants
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
9:22 PM
Labels: Feedblitz, Gardening, Lettuce, Square Foot Gardening
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
9:48 AM
Labels: Beans, Cucumbers, Gardening, Lunaria, Squash, Tomatoes, Transplanting
Celery Seedlings (click to enlarge)
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
7:31 PM
Labels: Bok Choi, Celery, Cucumbers, Endive, Gardening, Slugs, Vegetables
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
1:19 PM
Labels: Biking, Flowers, Garden, Gardening, Seedlings, Squash, Transplanting, Watermelon Radish
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
9:53 PM
Labels: Beans, Feedblitz, Flower Seeds, Gardening, Okra, Seedlings, Square Foot Gardening
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
7:59 PM
Labels: Feedblitz, Flower, Gardening, Seed Starting, seeds, Tomatoes, Transplanting
(Click to enlarge)
Today I planted some more lemon basil, large leaf basil, petunia, rocket arugula, bok choi, and sunflowers seeds. I had hoped to plant a lot of petunia like last year. I also put my self-watering basil pots outside so it can get some time in the sun. It also freed up my grow shelf so I can grow even more African Violet babies. I hope to give some AVs away for birthday presents.
Tomorrow, I plan on going to Michaels to get some really inexpensive terra cotta pots for my herb seeds. There on sale 3 for a $1.00. Depending on the size, I plan on getting 4 or 5. I might also go to Osh to see what vegetables they have on sale. I overheard on the radio that they were having a buy one get one free sale on vegetables. I also saw that they had chocolate mint so I might be tempted to grab a pot. I’ve always been an advocate of not buying plants but instead buy seeds which is a better deal but I’ve heard that mint seeds are hard to germinate so I tend to buy mint as plants. I then plan to go down the street to Lowes to grab more soil for my pots. I have tons of veggies that need soil and pots to hand out in.
This weekend will involve more weeding and probably transplanting. Who knows I might just transplant my tomatoes in the ground! Tomatoes, here we come…That’s all for today folks! Happy gardening everyone!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
6:56 PM
Labels: Bok Choi, Flower Seeds, Gardening, Mint, Seed Starting, Watermelon Radish
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
7:59 PM
Catnip 40 days (click to enlarge)
Chervil 13 days (click to enlarge)
Lemon Balm 40 days (click to enlarge)
Cilantro 12 days (click to enlarge)
Cilantro 12 days (click to enlarge)
The weather has been very spring-like with temps in the high 60s and low 70s. I’m a little hesitant with how great the weather is. I’m afraid that next week, we’ll have lots of rain and thunderstorms. I guess you can’t live your life worrying all the time so I continue my gardening adventures but with a critical eye on the weather.
On Friday, I started some more seeds that include: marigolds-safari mix and French double mixed, edamame, sunflower-tall variety, sugar snap peas, nasturtiums, morning glory-crimson rambler, and eggplant-black long variety. I really hope they sprout especially the nasturtiums. I planted some nasturtiums last week and they haven't sprouted at all. I plan on planting them with my tomatoes to detract pests from getting to my precious tomatoes.
In part of my garden, that only gets partial sun in the early/late morning so this year, I plan on growing some cool weather veggies in that area. It's around 2' by 5' so I want to grow lettuces with successive plantings throughout the season, radishes (watermelon and cherry belle variety), bok choi, cabbage, swiss chard, peas, leeks, mint, cilantro, lemon balm, thyme and beans.
I noticed that I have sprouts on the hyacinths I planted on March 3rd, sunflowers, radish, and great lakes lettuce I planted last week. I also saw that my spaghetti squash seeds and cucumber straight 8s have sprouted (it took them 14 days to sprout! eek). I might have to start more cucumber seeds tonight. I want a lot of cucumbers this year. Last year, I only got 1, yummy and delicious cucumber but this year I want at least more than 1.
None of my zucchinis or squash seeds have sprouted either. Note to self: start more tonight and keep them inside. Speaking of failures, I have no success on the beans I planted outside 18 days ago. I guess I'll have to start them inside. It looks like I have a lot of seed starting tonight (cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and beans). Oh the joys of gardening!
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Happy gardening everyone!
Next up: an update on my herb seedlings! eek. They're doing so well...
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
12:01 PM
Labels: Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Flowers, Gardening, Seed Starting, Seedlings, Spring, Sweet Peas, Vegetables
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Happy gardening everyone!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
11:52 AM
Five days ago, I planted some chicory, flax, and okra and there’s already sprouting occurring with the chicory. I got the chicory seeds from grocoseeds and I hope it really works. Chicory can be used as a coffee substitute. We’ll see how well this works!
I also have sprouts on my cilantro and calendulas. I grew calendulas last year and they were pretty yellow and orange flowers. I also collected seeds from these last year. The seeds were easy to collect since they look like half moons. If you’ve never collected flower seeds before, I suggest trying calendulas for your first time.
What the seeds look like after they flower:
Mature seeds. You know you have mature seeds when they fall off easily.
Tomorrow, I plan on planting more sweet peas and transplanting more lettuce seedlings. I’m also going by the post office to drop off my package to my March gardening partner. Happy gardening everyone!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
10:32 PM
Labels: Calendulas, Chicory, Cilantro, Grocoseeds, Lettuce, Seedlings, Sweet Peas, Vegetables
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
9:17 PM
Labels: African Daisy, Basil, Gardening, Seedlings, Sweet Peas, Vegetables
Cabbage Early Golden Acres Seedling at 40 days (click on image for larger picture)
My seedlings are doing well except for a bout of aphids. I found some aphids on my African violet and they somehow migrated to my little seedlings. I cleaned them with alcohol and soap/water mixture. The soap and alcohol does something to the aphids. Maybe suffocates them. Anyways, it worked so I was happy. I plan on transplanting my tomato seedlings into bigger pots tomorrow or Thursday and set them out under the sun for a little bit or until it rains (which is estimated to be on Sunday into Monday). We hope not but we’ll see.
Today, I planted some watermelon radish, nasturtiums, great lakes lettuce, sunflowers, Pinocchio pepper, 4 o’ clocks, daisy bush and marigold seeds. I am interested in seeing the watermelon radish grow. I hope it does well!
Happy gardening everyone!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
4:49 PM
Labels: African Daisy, Cabbage, Coleus, Crocus, Cucumbers, Flower Seeds, Flowers, Gardening, Germinating, Hyacinth, Propagation, Radish, Seed Starting, Tomatoes, Vegetables
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
7:51 PM
Labels: African Daisy, African Violet, Chinese Houses, Chinese Lanterns, Coleus, Flowers, Gardening, Garlic, Geraniums, Lettuce, Sweet Peas
Coleus Seedlings
Today, I also set out my precious coleus seedlings to get them used to outside temps which is lovely! I hope they’ll be fine out there. I might cover them tonight but the meteorologist predicts temperatures tonight will be in the mid 40s so I think they’ll be fine tonight. On my lunch break, I planted my Bok choi, Swiss chard, and cabbage seedlings. I always water newly set seedlings with a combination of fish fertilizer and water so they get an added extra boost. I covered them with pots since it was the middle of the day and I didn’t want them to shrivel up and die. I’ll uncover them tomorrow morning so they can get a full day of sunshine. I can’t believe it’s almost Spring. Slowly, my garden will get filled with lovely veggies and flowers. I can’t wait! In a couple of days I'll be starting my squash, cucumber, sunflowers, and basil seeds. Yesterday, I started some peas and beans too. Is it spring yet? Eek...Happy gardening everyone!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
5:48 PM
Labels: Bok Choi, Cabbage, Calendulas, Catnip, Chinese Lanterns, Coleus, Flowers, Gardening, Herbs, Impatiens, Lemon Balm, plants, Poppies, Propagation, Seed Starting, Seedlings, seeds, Stocks, Tomatoes
Boxwood Cuttings Rooted
My seedlings appear to be doing well. I have way too many seedlings for my shelves but they manage happily. I did check on my boxwood cuttings and they have done wonderfully. They've all rooted and some have tiny little growths on them. I'm so proud of them. I neglected them for a long time keeping the plastic bag over them for a couple of months. They are doing well. I hope by the beginning of spring, I'll be able to take them outside and pot them up. I'll probably give some away since I have so many. My coworkers won't mind if I leave plants on their desk. I just gave one of my coworkers a coleus plant I had. I have tons of coleus now that I have a ton of seeds. She loves it and I hope she won't kill them. As I was walking to work with my coleus in hand, I was calculating the cost for that little plant and I guestimate it to be around $.30-$.40 cents for it and how it would be a wonderful gift to give one. Oh the joys of gardening...I love it!
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
4:01 PM
Labels: Boxwood Cuttings, Coleus, Gardening, Propagation, Seedlings
I know I haven't posted in awhile but we've been away house sitting, dog sitting, and teenager sitting at my new aunt's (aunt by marriage) house. I apologize for my absence. I have dropped into my apartment to check on my garden periodically this past week and I just wanted to say that my herb seeds are doing well. I have germination on most of my herb seeds. Here's a few to show: We have thyme, oregano, and catmint seedlings.
Posted by
Gardening for Fun
1:23 PM
Labels: Gardening, Herbs, Oregano, Seed Starting, Seedlings, Thyme
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